Triple Crown, $2000 (Two available)
- Reserved Table at the Auction with Company Logo on Table signage
- Complimentary Admission to the Auction for 8 guests
- Free pick of a dessert from the dessert auction for your table at the Auction
- Complimentary bottle of champagne/wine for your table
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed at the Auction
- Complimentary full page advertisement in the event program
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed on the Auction website with link to your website
- Recognition on all printed materials and promotional emails/newsletters
- Recognition from the podium at the event
Churchill Downs, $1000 (Three available)
- Reserved Table at the Auction with Company Logo on Table signage
- Complimentary Admission to the Auction for eight guests
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed at the Auction
- Complimentary half page advertisement in the event program
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed on the Auction website with link to your website
- Recognition on all printed materials and promotional emails/newsletters
- Recognition from the podium at the event
Thoroughbred, $500 (Five available)
- Reserved Table at the Auction with Company Logo on Table signage
- Complimentary Admission to the Auction for 8 guests
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed at the Auction
- Company name listed in the event program
- Company’s logo and tag line displayed on the Auction website with link to your website